Clips or monetary issues are part of every Christian life.
Chi original ceramic hairstyling iron watched how many lives have been destroyed, family scattered, churches ruined, because of financial indiscipline. We're not immune to making foolish financial decisions. There's no magic to financial discipline. No special word can be spoken and your finances come together. You must exercise discipline and make commitment with regards to financial matters. Managing your money will require more than Hallelujah, let's see what it takes.
Money is elusive, it'll get out of your hands before you know it. The Bible says, "will thou set thine eyes upon that which is s not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away as an eagle toward heaven" (Proverbs 23:5).
The Bible isn't silent about financial or monetary matters as some Christians think. There are more than one hundred and thirty-nine direct references to money in the Bible, so why do we behave as though God is uninterested in our financial matters.
The prevailing problems about finances are:
• Lack of discipline with regards to spending. Some folks spend their money before they receive it
• Lack of commitment to financial matters
• No plan of action in place
• Lack of functional budget
• Wrong priorities
• No divine insights
• Disobedient to Biblical commands
If you expect to avoid financial mishap, it's necessary to develop a budget. Another important thing to remember is that a budget is useless if there is no commitment to follow it. A budget allows you to trace as much as possible where your hard-earned money goes.
The prodigal son had no budget or plan, all he wanted was his inheritance as he saw the abundance of the father's wealth. See Luke 15:11-16.
Points of Note:
1) Money will send you to wrong places, if you've lost control.
2) Money will give you evil ideas
3) Financial matters demands discretion. See Proverbs 27: 23-24.
4) We're stewards of God's inheritance. There's certainly a day of reckoning here and hereafter.
5) Faithfulness is essential element in financial accountability.
Commitment to financial discipline is one of the necessary attributes of Christian character. The Christian first accountability is to the Lord, who bestows his bounties upon him or her. Many times we incline to please every other person with our resources and not God.
If you've friends because of your money, you've no friends at all. When what brought them dries up they too will go away. See Proverbs 19:4. I wonder where the prodigal son friends went when his wealth dried up. Evidently, they must have looked for another greener pastures.
Jesus gave us a distribution schedule to our finances or wealth. See Matthew 6:19-21.
• Where are your investments?
• Does heaven have any meaningful record of your financial commitment?
Sometimes we do the opposite and ask for God's protection. It does not work that way. See James 4:3.
Make a commitment to financial discipline and ask the Lord for the grace, wisdom, and fortitude to see it through.